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will multiplayer ever be added?

no, i don't plan to add multiplayer. The best you will get is adrift's multiplayer mod, which can be downloaded from the "Download" section here

hey just  curious whats the difference between this game and adrift?

Adrift is the original, by Rugbug Redfern.

Redrift is a revised version, adding new content such as elevators and a new island, as well as large balance changes. 

and Redrift:Redux will hopefully be available in the future, as an even more refined version that goes in a different direction to Redrift.

Hey microman502, great job on this having a lot of fun on this laready coming from Adrift. Keep up the good work

thank you, that just made me remember Redrift:Redux, might go work on that

how do you craft a brick i dont know can someone help

put a clay ball into the furnace

how do you get lightning stones i really dont know how can someone help me

you have to mine the dark purple crystals in the dark realm with an iron pickaxe. (they can be found on small islands floating past the main dark island)

how do you get to them they are floating too high



you mean your worlds from Adrift? They are incompatible with Redrift, so they can't be loaded up.

If you could load those worlds previously (within a few months ago) and they are suddenly inaccesible, i'm not sure what would cause that.

if it has been many months since you played, either I changed the file path (meaning your old saves still exist) and can be found at Users\YOURUSERNAMEHERE\AppData\LocalLow\Redlabs + Microman502\Redrift\saves

or, you are playing on the web build, and as far as i can remember, the saves there get wiped every update (so, play on the downloadable PC version)

Deleted 3 years ago
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that makes alot of sense im playing on web


love this 

thanks for porting it to web

Why can't I pick up grass?

no more grass picking up, it was kinda stupid tbh

nooooooooooo now i will get lost in my big wooden platform


I love the game/mod! But got a question: is there a way to automatically get items out of a storage block?

Sadly no, there is not a way to do that. The main intention of storage boxes is just to put items automatically in, but not out. Maybe for Redrift:Redux, when i get to working on that more

love this game i took a break for the summer and im back!

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Thanks so much man! I do have some bad news for you, however... Due to the current state of development, I don't really want to work on Redrift anymore.

It's discontinued for the forseeable future, but you can always check out the beta branch or even download the project off GitHub, and make this your own. (of course, only if you know unity).

Thanks for playing! (I do have a multiplayer survival game I am working on, if you think you'd be interested, then you can contact microman502#6046 on discord)


is not ok


You still there? I'm planning to work on Redrift again, although it will be different to how you know it currently... See the devlog "Redrift:Redux" for some info on this


fine ill let you live for now

Hello, wanna play redrift with me?

My server's name is "Dude World".

Redrift doesn't have multiplayer, i'm sorry to say... it's coming soon (and by soon i mean whenever i feel like it)

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hey man how are you? I just noticed a bug where if an iron ore is next to the tree if you walk toward where they intersect you can phase thru them. I do have an idea whenever you don't mine trees or rocks they just keep spawning and if you could make it where the  the amount of each resource would cap out so it doesn't become as crowded.

I have a fix for that in development, however, the code of redrift has gotten a little messy and i don't feel like working on it too much. Maybe if i'm in the mood i'll come back, but there will be no updates for the forseeable future.

Also, there are many places where you can phase through objects, not much i can do about it as far as i know


Sometimes the auto-miner separates from its pickaxe. I don't know why. All I know is that conveyor belts do that to the poor little guy.

Huh, that makes sense. I'll try to get it fixed, it's probably due to recent conveyor changes, or just a bug i have not noticed


I love this game 

but i have no idea how to use the auto-sorter  can someone please explain 

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i just was teleported somewhere on the map and there was nothing except the sun and clouds while building in creative

Maybe the physics bugged out bad? You can get launched very far on rare occasions.

You can always fall and you should be warped to the dark realm.

And to answer your other comment, the next big update is on hiatus, I didn't really feel like working on redrift. I might come back soon. A bug fix patch is definitely coming up, tho.

ok :)


when the next update coming out

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legit found the weirdest bug

someone tell me if this is intentional i dont want floating apples like this on my island again especially in such order

Unintentional. It's due to the loading system; I tried re-working apples at one point but it was a pain to do. I should really get around to it.


this is a bug? i thought it was normal seeing apples float

lol its not normal

but every where i see them floating apples

(1 edit) (+1)

I found 2 funny bugs

Infinite jump bug, you have to put a floor under you, remove it and right after start jumping, you will be floating.

Island fall bug, the crate islands fall sometimes when you take the crates on them and they hit something like a floor. They fall down. If it happens but theres still a crate you are guaranteed to find it in 2 situations: Infinite loophole where it falls from one realm to another or it just sits in the dark realm.

Edit: I see many people mentioning the infinite jump glitch but they refer to removing an item under you and thats much harder because most items are not that thick and dont stay still. So I personally think that the way I do it is the best because the floors do stay mid air and they arent tilted like 90 degrees unlike a wall/window which I saw someone mention..

P.S dont go too far out or the player will get deleted/unloaded, this happened to others

Interesting... i'll take a look later. I thought i fixed all this recently...

It wont show how I can get items from the item storage thingy for the autominer.. I tried pressing F and nothing happened, just this message:

Cannot pickup. Please try removing items from the container.

I'd like some help please


cool game

Deleted 3 years ago

What happened to the MacOS build?

I marked it as linux by accident, thanks for pointing it out!

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for some reason my screen is black. idk if it has to do with MacBook or what

actually I can see the hotbar and the circle in the center

did you try full screen?

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yep it also happens with the original version

If you glitch with a pic by droping it right underneath you then you get the inf jumps doesn't matter which realm. Btw I started speedrunning the lightning  pic and the the lightning pic and auto miner. My best time for the pic is 2:23.40 minutes and auto miner with pic is 5:01.72 minutes.

(9 edits)

LOL i found the best bug ever you can jump inf times and is looks so dumb XD 

also i lost all my stuff when i rejoined the world oof. when i lost my stuff now i cant inf jump so i am confused ill tell you if i find a way to replicate it

Edit: i dropped a piece of silicon below me while i was falling in the dark realm and suddenly i could jump forever. its not predictable though bc i tried it on the GitHub version and it didn't work

Edit Edit: if you drop a item above you then place a window bellow you then it happens.

OH GOD i just started colliding with myself and just dying that scared me so bad

im no dev but i think what is happening is that im hitting my charactor with a item and it somehow makes it so i can jump on myself bc when i start starving my body starts freaking out and i can see the little grey bean

thats the sun

Yeah i noticed the jumping bug while in-editor, i did rework jumping recently so it probably has something to do with that. Probably messed alot of stuff up

ok keep up the great work

this also happened to me

all the items are going through the floor so i cant get water bc i need to put the bucket on da flooooor

Not gonna lie, i have literally no clue what causes this, it's an outstanding bug that i would like to fix at some point tho

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ok, maybe its because the floor is flat or something bc when im standing on the sun or on a curve it wont go thru


a list of all the things people have suggested / bugs people have reported (this might take a while) * = suggestion, ! = bug


!if you leave the game, you wont be able to get anything anymore and have to make a new world

!On MacOS Catalina 10.15.7 and I go to run the game, I get an error saying "The Application "Adrift" can't be opened."

*you should make the incinerator hole a little bigger so items can fit through while on a rail and you should also make it so you can take the last thing you put in there out so that you don't accidently lose to many items or a item you really like

!item teleportation in general

!one pixel when start up game (you already know this tho)

!fov is lowest possible when startup

!the new realm travel thingy sometimes doesnt let you land on the island

!water doesnt work

!if tools fall in the void theres no way of getting them back without a setup thats really hard to make

!if your holding only 1 item and put it in a incinerator then you can still drop the item and basically unincinerated something (you cant dupe with it tho)

*more islands, a use for the machine (which your already adding) and a use for the giant pole on the forest island

jeez that took like 5 minutes to wright 

hope you can fix them but I'm not a dev so idk if its even possible. keep up the good work

Thanks for the report! But what do you mean, "Water doesn't work"?

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I don't think you can get water because I think you get it from the rain in the dark realm but if I click it doesn't do anything so either I am getting it the wrong way or you cant get water

You have to drop the bucket in the dark realm, while it is also facing upwards.

thank you i was being dumb lol

Deleted post

I like your remake man, or woman, it has frequent updates and many features, and bugs to exploit- cough, not that its a bad thing it has bugs. I also have a bug:

I hitched a ride on a crate island to get to a other island and near the middle of my journey my screen turned black and everything I did made the game save.

(1 edit)

I found 2 funny bugs

Infinite jump bug, you have to put a floor under you, remove it and right after start jumping, you will be floating.

Island fall bug, the crate islands fall sometimes when you take the crates on them and they hit something like a floor. They fall down. If it happens but theres still a crate you are guaranteed to find it in 2 situations: Infinite loophole where it falls from one realm to another or it just sits in the dark realm.

P.S dont go too far out or the player will get deleted/unloaded, maybe this happened to you

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Good to know! It's definitely an issue with the tree growth system, i'll be sure to get a patch out soon.

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Deleted 3 years ago

can you pls stop advertising you posted like 4 in 2 days l:

Yeah, DarkNova is right, it's getting annoying :l

On MacOS Catalina 10.15.7 and I go to run the game, I get an error saying "The Application "Adrift" can't be opened." How can I fix this?

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I don't have mac, i'm not sure, sorry. I'll see if i can find a fix.

EDIT: Might help you with the problem, if not then I don't know.

Thanks, I'll try it!


suggestion: you should make the incinerator hole a little bigger so items can fit through while on a rail and you should also make it so you can take the last thing you put in there out so that you don't accidently lose to many items or a item you really like

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Deleted 3 years ago

Hola buenas me podrian decir como puedo conseguir agua

hola no sé cómo se obtiene agua no creo que está funcionando

también no hablo español estoy usando google traducir por lo que podría sonar raro

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me: finds the place where all the items go when they fall in the void and practically has teleportation

also me: dwock in bucket

midget pickaxe

ye the item teleportation is omega bugged, will be fixed soon TM

Deleted 3 years ago
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lol i made a base at the spot where the items and have been experimenting.

tools cant go in unless there are walls (learned that the hard way when i dropped my pic lol)

also water is bugged

Deleted 3 years ago


the new realm travel thingy sometimes doesnt let you land on the island


yea if you hold backwards then you wont land on the island


i didnt hold backwards.


same it sometimes doesnt work even if you dont hold backwards

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so...i used the miner dock to create an automatic yeet machine with launchers and conveyors, its sole purpose is to launch everything into the dark ream, aka the trash can for lazy people

and my dumb self found it quite entertaining to watch my frames drop everytime it unloaded logs and they launched them at high speed


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